Les enjeux de la conformité

Conformity is a regulatory requirement.

Regulatory requirements change, buildings and equipments are subject to normal wear and tear. It's an illusion to be "in conformity" at any time.

Conformity is a continuous management based on a solid and lasting methodology and risk assessment.

Non-conformity generates a specific risk : low probability of accident but dramatic consequences.

Managing regulatory requirements is a complex mater

Multiple equipment types
Elevators, electrical, fire safety, automatic doors, heating & cooling systems, toxicology ...

Multiple regulatory requirements
Code du Travail, Code de la Construction et de l'Habitation, Code de l'Environnement, arrêtés spécifiques ERP et IGH etc. and insurers requirements (APSAD) plus the normatives requirements.

Many suppliers involved
Accredited bodies, facility managers, maintainers.

Methodology and specific tools
One of our pilot is dedicated to your buildings. He is acting as a project leader. His work is based on our procedures.

From one building to the other : the same methodology, the same tools. Homogeneity.

Our pilots work with a specific home-made Computer-aided Maintenance Management System.

Intranet & Extranet - All information in real time
For our customers a dedicated extranet where they can find all information, all documents, all reports.

For the maintainers a limited extranet where they access all information, documents and reports on their equipments.

Structuring and sharing information, in real time.

We monitor all regulatory operations : controls, reservation withdrawal, regulatory maintainance.

We monitor all your suppliers : facility managers, maintainers, accredited bodies.
One of our pilots is dedicated to your buildings.

Regulatory requirements scope and regulatory watch
We identify all regulatory requirements on your building.

We watch regulation changes and adapt the scope accordingly.

Scheduling and following-up
Each operation is scheduled according to the regulatory requirement. For each op we identify and monitor the supplier in charge.

Traceability and data-room
Each operation is attested by a report.
(control reports, maintainance reports, reservation withdrawal reports)

We check each report in order to insure their validity. Each report is added to the data-room and available at all time.

Analysis and action-plan
Depending on the non-conformities identified we set specific action plans and recommandations.

Reservation follow-up
Each reservation goes through a scanning process : its history, criticity are set and will determine a withdrawal schedule.

This follow-up allows us to identify some maintainance weaknesses.

Indicators, benchmark and good practices
Key indicators in order to measure, benchmark and follow-up. We identify critical areas as well as good practices.

In the case of multiple buildings, we share the good practices and prevent new critical areas.

Continuous reporting
We establish periodicaly a statement report on your level of conformity :
- By portfolio of buildings
- By building
- By supplier

This reporting "on scale" brings a very detailed information as well as a global vision of the situation.
Our reports are used for making short- and long-term decisions, and are used as well for demonstrating to the owner the state of conformity.
He who excels at resolving difficulties does so before they arise.
Sun Tzu

Non conformity at stake
de sécurité
of competence